Help Us End Hunger in Dallas this Summer!
More than 83% of most inner city school children rely on the school lunch program to eat, and during summer months rely on churches and nonprofits to eat, or they go hungry. Our organization has partnered with the USDA and Texas Department of Agriculture to ensure that children in our region in low-income areas can receive up too two nutritious meals a day. The program is called the Summer Food Service Program of 2013. The meals are free to children 18 and younger during the summer months.
Meals are delivered to each site on a daily basis, and each location is responsible for providing volunteers and/or staff members to accept deliveries and serve meals in a specified location each day. Sites will not be responsible for any costs related to meals associated with the program, as that becomes the responsibility of the sponsor, which is Strategic Justice Initiatives.
Our goal at Strategic Justice Initiatives and FEED 3 is to provide a safe and healthy environment for youth and children to receive meals throughout the duration of the summer months. We strive to be a blessing within the communities throughout various areas, and to make a difference in the lives of youth and children through the nourishment of their minds, bodies, and souls.
Organizations such as Strategic Justice Initiatives serve as summer feeding program sponsors, who are responsible for providing meals to various organizations, churches, and site locations. To qualify for participation in the SFSP, sites must be located in a low income area approved by the state of Texas. Prior to beginning participation within the SFSP program, all sites are required to attend a training provided by Strategic Justice Initiatives that provides all of the necessary information on the requirements of the program. In addition to the training, Ashley Douglas of Strategic Justice Initiatives will be available throughout the duration of the summer for ongoing assistance in all areas related to the program. All sites who wish to participate will be required to inform SJI no later than Friday March 1, 2013.
FEED 3 works with local nonprofits, churches and schools to develop food pantries, character programs and outreach programs serving low income areas to help them with pro-business solutions to poverty and hunger. To donate to our work, click here.
Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions or concerns at any time! We will be happy to assist in any area, and would be delighted to have your organization as a participant within our program this year!
Contact us:
Randy Skinner (214) 316-1356
Ashley Douglas (214) 497-4430
Your tax-deductible gifts can also be mailed to Strategic Justice Initiatives. P.O. Box 222026, Dallas, Texas 75222.
About Strategic Justice Initiatives Inc. - SJI in 2009 became involved in laying the groundwork for the citywide movement called the Greater Dallas Justice Revival. SJI was the parent nonprofit for it till 2011 when its mission of starting 25 school church partnerships, and placement of 700 chronic homeless into housing were accomplished. SJI then launched as the faith partner for Dallas Housing Authority and Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance support of 2000 chronic homeless were placed into permanent supportive housing. was launched to support the school-church partnerships and hunger projects throughout North Texas. Both efforts carry on the misson of Greater Dallas Justice Revival.
To help end hunger and poverty in our region, please consider a generous donation: Click here:
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